Sunday, November 27, 2011

A Year with Change

Me and Ash visiting Devin's Grave
I seriously cant believe its been one year. A year from today I got the worst phone call of my life, my life changed for the better and worse, I got faced with a trial in my life I never thought I would be faced with at just 15. One of my friends, Devin Todd Jensen was killed in a car accident. I seriously have to thank all my family and friends that were there to help and support me and everyone else in this trial. Today Me, Ashlyn, Nick and McCall visited Devin's Grave and I couldn't help but think of all the memories I have had with him and all the memories I have made since that day. As I have a soft heart today I'm glad I can go to Stephanie Nielsons blog (Here) and watch YouTube videos like this one Here to help me through the day! On days like this I'm just so grateful I have the faith and knowledge of the gospel that I have. To know that there is life after death and knowing that Devin is  being an amazing Missionary! Its amazing to look at what has happened over the past year and seeing the trials I have over come and the friendships and knowledge I have formed. Love ya Dev and we will always be a dream team! <3

Monday, November 21, 2011

Bestest Friends No Matter What

Today's the last day my bestest friends a Bear River Bear. I have so many mixed emotions about having my best friend move you have no idea. I know it will be good for her and I can only hope for her the best but really its only been 10 minutes since I had to say my final goodbye before she moved and I am already going crazy. Nothing can ruin our friendship. We have been through everything! If you think you and your best friend have been through more, I highly doubt it! There is moments when I feel like we are twins and there is been moments when I feel I dont even know her but at the end of the day we are seriously Best Friends and Sisters! Gol I'm gonna miss her and even though she only lives an hour away and we are still planning on seeing each other every weekend I cant stop already missing our crazy adventures. Only two idiots can come up with the things we think of!

I miss you Sid and I couldn't have asked for a better best friend, I only wish you the best of luck in Morgan and pretty pretty please don't forget about me!

Saturday, November 12, 2011

A Park Valley Riot

Last weekend I went with Karissa to Park Valley. I told her she had to make me fall in love with it and trust me once Sunday came around I didn’t want to leave. Ally had Karlee come out too so us four had a party all weekend. We played hide and go seek in trucks around town, played line tag and got a tour of the school (Even the attack, that was kinda sketchy) we played a little Just Dance 3, herded sheep, went to church, watched movies and ate and ate and ate! I seriously had the time of my life and laughed the whole weekend. We have a million inside jokes like “what happens in the truck, stays in the truck” and “GO GO GO!!!” But it was a by far a crazy riot and I can’t wait for the next time I go out there!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Halloween Time Anyone?

So this weekend was full of spook. It was the weekend before Halloween and you can just feel the terror in the atmosphere. Friday night my dear friend Sadie came over and we decided to write all our frustrations on a piece of paper and play with fire and watch our frustrations burn to ashes. It was classic. After we did a little doorbell ditching and then went to Ashlyn’s house for a Halloween party. We were there for a little bit, then Mishae, Miranda and Moki joined us and we went to Moki’s work party. For her work party we went to the corn maze where the movie “The Maze” was filmed. We watched the movie and then went through the corn maze! Ya let’s just say pitch black at night, 5 girls, and a haunted corn maze was a blast. Saturday night me and Mishae went and got shakes at Mack’s then got together with Carson and Jason and took our journey down the Salt Lake to Castle of Chaos! If you have been there you know what I’m talking about when I say It was just a little scary, it’s just the 10th scariest haunted house in the nation, No Big Deal!! In the first two minutes a scary guy on stilts almost punched me in the face. There was a scary clown that corned us and wouldn’t leave us alone, and there were some awesome effects and costumes that made it so scary. I would highly recommend it to anyone! After Castle of Chaos we went on a Jamba run, played in a Cemetery and sat around and talked! It was a adventure that’s for sure! Yesterday was Halloween and I hope all of you had a very Happy Halloween. This Halloween out beat last year by far thanks to Miss Karissa, Moki and Sadie!