Sunday, July 31, 2011

2 down and 1 to go!

2 down and 1 more to go! That’s weird to think I now have 2 brothers! I guess I’m just so use to sisters its weird to say I have brothers. My dearest sister Cami got married this weekend to Austin. I am excited for them and only wish them the best of luck! Austin better consider him lucky to be getting one of my amazing sisters. I still remember one of mine and Cami’s deep heart to hearts about Austin and her telling me they were pretty serious quite some time before my family knew. I loved how it was sorta like mine and Cami’s little secret and I loved our heart to hearts about it. Whether they were on car rides to Maverick, when we were sharing the bathroom getting ready for the day, or just late night talks, I loved them! Cami is my sister that sometimes I feel like we could be twins. I love randomly looking at her and realizing she is wearing my shoes, pants, shirts, and headbands without me even knowing she raided my closet. I guess that’s sorta just a sister thing to still each other’s clothes but me and Cami sure do it A LOT! When I found out she was engaged I just wanted to tell everyone and their pet dog, I was pretty excited for her because I knew how much she really did love Austin. A few days later though it hit me that I will most likely never get to see one of my sisters get married and that really bothered me for awhile. I guess that’s the joy about being the youngest is missing out on things like that and I would just keep reminding myself that at least all my sisters will get to witness my wedding but it still just bugged me that I wouldn’t be able to see them get married to the love of their life’s. So when Cami asked me to do her hair for her big day it actually made me feel like a part of me will be in the temple with her and that I won’t be forgotten as I wait outside the temple walls. Ya I’m sure that sounds super lame that just me doing her hair changed my attitude and made me feel like I was a part of the wedding but it really did. Cami looked stunning in her gorgeous dress, cute yellow shoes, and amazing hair of course, she couldn’t have looked more beautiful. I am excited to see what life brings for Cami and Austin next. Cami is one who has her life planned out and is driven and ready to accomplish her goals in life and I know she is going to go far. I have to admit I hate living in the shadows of my older sisters because each one of them just makes me look bad in one way or another. Courtnie was the outgoing loving one in high school who had a million friends and I swear had a new friend every day. Cami was the genius. She got all the good grades and was the teacher’s pet. Then there’s Madison who everyone just has to love. She cracks a joke and says a comment at exactly the right time and you are always anxiously waiting to see what will come out of her mouth next. This is just a little about each sister but seriously the list could go on and on about each one. Its hard having people compare you to them and me trying to live up to how they were. But I just have to keep reminding myself and I actually have remind other people a few times when I have gotten frustrated with them comparing me, that I’m a different person. I am unique, my own person and not my sisters. But no matter what, they are my sisters and I love them all to death. Nothing can change the relationship you have with sisters. Sisters are just sisters, there’s really no way to explain it. They are your best friends and enemies but you love them no matter what.  
I loved watching Cami come out of the temple and only wish them the best of luck. I love ya Cami and you better still call me every once in awhile and tell me about your life. Because even though you’re married now and pretty much old you still have a little sister who is just like you and going through high school and may need some friendly advice every now and again or just someone to talk to. So I would love to still have deep heart to hearts with you and to hear all about the joys of married life. Plus to the rest of my sisters, that goes for all of you, you all are going to live pretty close to each other down in Utah Valley and I will be stuck in Tree Town by myself with no one to talk to so remember to give a ring a ding ding sometimes okay! Don’t be strangers!!!

Tuesday, July 26, 2011


Do you have a hero? Someone you look up to for a million different reasons. Well I do, her name is Stephanie Nielson AKA NieNie. I can still remember the very first day I heard Stephanie’s story. I was sitting in Bro. Burger’s seminary class. I could tell you everything about that day like it was yesterday; the exact lesson we had that day, where and who I was sitting by and how I was feeling that day. I was having a bad day at school and I was just hoping seminary could make it not suck so bad. Then Bro. Burger put on a Mormon Message video and it was about Stephanie and her life and her challenges she has faced. Needless to say it made me start to cry and every time since then it brings tears to my eyes as I watch it. For some reason I have grown to love her. She was my insperation to actually start a blog. Stephanie is such a great example and someone to look up to. Stephanie and her husband Christian were in a near fatal plane crash back in 2008. Her body was 80% burned and she was in a coma for 3 months. Needless to say now she is sharing the gospel and her faith to millions of people through her blog which I love following. She is by far one of the best mothers, missionary, inspirations and heroes. She sends Book of Mormons to anyone who requests it and shows the world that motherhood is such a great and awesome blessing. As I follow her blog I have came to know her like we have been friends forever. Yes I realize she has no idea that I even exist or see her as a hero but one day I want to meet her and let her know how much she has helped me in my life. When I have a bad day and am thinking “poor me” I think about Stephanie and how strong and amazing she is. And wonder what I would do if she was in my shoes. She is so strong and even though she has bad days and hardship she is always positive. Her 4 children are so cute and she is an amazing mom! NieNie is my hero for so many reasons I can’t even explain and I just love her! 
You can watch her Mormon Message video here
Or follow her blog here

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Celebrating the 24th of July

Yesterday was the big 24th of July celebration at the park. My day started out by waking up at my dear friend Chelsea’s house after having a crazy fun sleepover. Needless to say 2 crazy girls staying up late was classic. All I can say is us putting up yard sale signs around town, spending hours at Arctic Circle, crazy dancing in the drive way, watching Steve the drunk man trying to light fireworks, looking at stars, watching movies and talking the night away was so much fun! After my fun sleepover with Chelsea I came home and got ready to go sale cotton candy and Icee’s for the day with my dear friend Sidney and my 2nd family. All I can say is it was one crazy hot day and I even got pretty sun burnt. My major way of celebrating the 24th of July or Tremonton Days was the fireworks in the park. It was a way fun night. Me and a huge group of friends combined tables and sat and talked for a couple hours as we waited for the fireworks to start. I love my friends and have seriously missed seeing all of them every day since its summer! So it was fun and crazy loud as we reminisce. Then the fireworks started and we moved from the tables to the grass and “watched fireworks” I’m pretty sure I didn’t even see half the fireworks because I got so distracted having grass fights and goofing off with my friends. After fireworks me and a couple people went to McDonalds. Can I just say I love getting late night snacks with my friends! After that I ended my celebration and went home. Yesterday was fantastic and I loved every minute of my amazing day! Happy 24th of July everyone!

me and Chels

Us and our messed up heart <3

Me and Mush rocking the sunglasses

Me, Marisa, Ryan and CJ watching fireworks

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Make a Change

So by living the teenage dream you have to deal with all the great things you don’t really enjoy about being a teenage. Such as the drama, gossip, bullying, and two faced people. So after doing much thinking and some experiences that have happened this summer I decided this. Starting today July 21, 2011 I am going to love everyone. To hardly judge the people that I hardly know and stick up for others when they are getting put down or talked about. This year is a year for change in my life and I think this is just one thing that I am going to change. I understand that different peoples personalities don’t exactly click and yes I know we all don’t have to be buddy, buddy, and best friends but we all should be nice to each other. I don’t exactly know how well I can change the actions of others when it comes to this situation and gossip but I know that I do have the power to change myself. Im challenging all of my readers to do the same and stop doing things to bring other people down and hurt their feelings. We all just need to say positive and uplifting things that at the end of the day we won’t look back and feel any regret for saying it. So today is my starting date. It’s a day for change. I know it is going to be hard. I’m a 16 year old teenage girl who goes to a high school that me and my friends use to call Drama Central. Ya I know it’s going to be hard to state my opinion about others and to tell people to stop talking about others when they around me but hey it’s worth a shot. It’s worth knowing that someone won’t get their feelings hurt at the end of the day. I realize that it may make me the center of a couple gossip sessions in between other people but I would rather have it be me than someone else.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Rise During the Journey

I was stalking my dear friend Lindsey Readings Facebook page and I came across this picture. I fell in love with it the moment I saw it! I love all of Gordon B. Hinckley’s quotes and this is one of my new favorites. On our journey through life we all need to rise to the divinity within us. Take challenges and live life to our full potential. You will never know how far you can go in life without trying, failing, and getting back up and trying again. We may struggle at times but if we just rise up to the divinity within us and do our best we can be unstoppable.

Saturday, July 9, 2011


I was in Spanish Fork for a couple days to see my amazing family and for Cami's bridal shower. Right in the middle of the shower the rain stopped just a little and we saw this beautiful rainbow. Its a double rainbow but you can hardly tell in this picture! Aww I love rainbows and I love beautiful things that nature creates.

Monday, July 4, 2011

4th of July

Happy 4th of July! Wow I can’t believe it’s actually the 4th of July once again. When I think about the 4h of July I usually just think of fireworks, summer picnics and laughing with a group of friends. But this year I am trying not to just focus on if the Watermelon is seedless or not and instead I’m thinking about America and its freedom. 235 years ago from today we gained our countries independence. I can’t help but think about being in 1st grade in Mrs. Marshall’s class and every morning singing “God Bless America” and whenever it said, as we gladly stand up, we would all have races to see who could stand up the fastest. And every Friday we got to see who could stand on top of our desk the fastest. I think 1st grade was by far a great year for learning about our country and the love I have towards it. I was in 1st grade when the Twin Towers fell on September 11th.  Things like that really is an eye opener and makes you realize how blessed we are to live in this country and the impendence we have. I’m so grateful for all those who serve our country and who die for my freedom!