Monday, January 21, 2013

Halfway There

From the famous lyrics of Big Time Rush
"We're halfway there, we're looking good now
Nothing's gonna get in the way
We're halfway there and looking back now
I'd never thought that I'd ever say
We're halfway there, we're halfway there"
Last week was midterm at school. Do you know what that means? I AM OFFICIALLY HALFWAY THROUGH MY SENIOR YEAR!! I am already seeing the light at the end of the tunnel and I cant help but smile ear to ear whenever I think about graduating. I keep thinking about moving over to Logan. (OH YEAH I'M GONNA BE AN AGGIE NEXT YEAR, WOOT WOOT) and having adventures, living on my own, cooking my own food, etc. Then reality hits and I realize I still have about 7 months left :( but the day will come, and it will come fast! I don't feel old enough to be on my down hill stretch to graduation. I don't feel like the BIG seniors I thought were huge and scary when I was in intermediate school. I don't feel like its my time to start my life, and really truly discover who I am. Senior year definitely has already had its ups and downs and as of right now it hasn't been my favorite year (I still miss all my friends that graduated last year way to much) but I feel that in a blink of an eye I will be tossing my cap in the air and saying "I DID IT" May 29th please hurry and get here fast!

Monday, January 14, 2013

Social Media

For the past several months I can’t help but get social media out of my mind. I want to use social media for the good. I see daily the powerful affects social media has on my life as I am inspired by people each and every day. But then I think how much the media is ruining people at the same time. That is why almost every time I sit down at the computer or click open my phone I wonder how I could touch someone’s life and be that positive light in their life. Because I am not one to shove and flaunt my religion in other peoples face I have found that occasional religious posts never hurt anyone. That is why this post is all about my faith in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. If you don’t care to hear my views on it, then stop reading. But I am proud and I am going to use my blog and social media for the good and hope someday, someone might stumble upon my blog and maybe have a better day because of it.
When I was 8 years old I had the privilege of being baptized into this church by my loving father. Although it has been many years ago and I can faintly remember that day I remember some of the feelings I felt and the joy and happiness no one could take from me. That day I wrote in my baptism book my testimony of the gospel. “I know my testimony is true. I know that Jesus is true. And he loves me in every way. I know I will live with him someday. I know what my primary teachers say what’s true. I am glad I can become a member of the church of Jesus Christ.” I look back and think I was 8 and feeling so sure about the gospel and what my parents and primary teachers told me was true. I knew because of them and their testimonies they created the foundation to my testimony that just keeps growing.
Well almost 10 years later I’m not relying on my parents or primary teachers anymore. I go to school every day and have my testimony tested with the evils of the world. But I am here to use the internet for good and let others know The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is the ONLY true church here upon this earth. I know with all my heart the Joseph Smith is a prophet of god. That he did see Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ and translated the Book of Mormon. I know the Book of Mormon is true and it really is another testament of Jesus Christ. Because of this book I cannot deny my faith. I have no doubt in my mind that Thomas S. Monson is a true and living prophet today. That Christ atoned for each and every one of our sins. That he knows exactly what we are going through and with the comfort of the Holy Ghost we will never be alone. I know that there is life after death and that one day I can be sealed with my husband and family for time and all eternity by being married in the sacred walls of the temple. I know the temple is a house of the Lord. And most importantly I know that I am a daughter of a heavenly father who loves me and that we are all CHILDREN OF GOD!
So I challenge you today to listen to the prophet and apostles of the Lord, USE SOCIAL MEDIA FOR GOOD!!! Share your light and testimony with others.
Get inspired:

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Bringing in a New Year

Can you believe it is actually 2013!! I have been waiting for this year since I was little. I never once thought it was actually come though. 2013 is definitely going to be my year. I am anticipating what this year has to offer.
2013 was brought in at Temple Square with my friend Whitney White's family. Nothing is quite like bringing in the new year on the grounds of the prettiest and best place on earth. All evening we listened to band after band. Some were amazing and others definitely weren't my style. Overall the last 3 bands were amazing. One band serenaded me from stage and actually took my friend Whitney on stage. 2 boys, The Truman Brothers, had voices and looks that could just melt your heart. Than last was the Nashville Tribute Band. They mentioned "The two girls on the front row that know their stuff" TWICE!! Yup that would be me! I had a blast jamming out with the White gang. Then we watched the fireworks to end it all. I don't think I have laughed so hard in forever like I did coming home from SLC last night, I literally almost had tears in my eyes! Oh the adventures I had to bring in this amazing new year.