Saturday, August 17, 2013

Apartment 59

As my summer comes to an end I have looked back on what I have accomplish, WOW!! Seriously, moving over to Logan was one of the best decisions I think I could have ever made. The things I learned, the people I met and the adventures I have had. I remember the first day I walked into my apartment, I thought I was gonna be in for a treat. I had Chinese writing on a black board, cat posters hanging on the wall, plants covering every inch of the walls and church picture galore. I thought I was gonna be in for a treat with some very interesting roommates. Seriously my stomach dropped as I judged my roommates without knowing them. Needless to say, I was wrong. I love my roommates! Catherine is my fun loving Chinese roommate who can make you laugh and smile the instant you are around her. She opened my eyes to a different culture and also some hilarious quotes from her. Sabra is the "mother" so to say. I loved walking into my apartment seeing her in the kitchen making yummy food. I even loved her giving me a hard time about boys and giving me a hard time about all the boys in my ward wondering where I was every Sunday I wasn't there. She kinda kept me in line this summer so to say. Then there is Hadley. Hadley I feel like is just like one of my sisters. It almost freaked me out the first time I sat down and had a actual conversation with her. I felt like I was just chatting up a storm with Cami or something. Hadley is just so laid back and I feel has a lot of the same viewpoints and things in common as me. I can't even thank my roommates this summer enough for the life lessons they have taught me and really helping me just transition into the big grown up world. At times I felt like I was just that little 18 year old girl that just graduated high school. But I honestly feel like I am a completely different person than I was 3 months ago. Now it is time to conquer my next apartment with my new roommates and see what lies in store for me. I will forever be grateful I had 3 amazing and inspiring young ladies to help sculpt me into being independent and discovering who I really am.

Thursday, August 1, 2013

It's Just Summer2k13

Summer2k13 has been quit the adventure. The past few days have been quite the riot as well. Monday for FHE the 2 Bridgerland wards combined, along with the summer senior citizens and we did square dancing! I think that night could go on my top most fun nights of the summer! I literally had a blast! In between "squeezing" at the wrong time. Dancing with an old man. Feeling like I know this old ladies life story and getting a black eye from my cute square dance partner I think it was a success! I laughed and smiled so much that night. (Photo's courtesy of my rad roommate Sabra, thanks!)

Well yesterday Ashley Fei came over for a sleep over. In between our date night which concise of Texas Roadhouse and mini golfing I think Ashley would have to be the best date I have had all summer! Lets just say we know how to eat and we should basically be considered pro at golf. No big deal, you can get our autographs later. After mini golf we sat on the temple lawn and watching the sunset and then we went to Smiths and got junk food and maybe did a few work outs in the isles as well. Yeah lets just say we got enough food to make us sick to our stomachs. We started watching 500 Days of Summer (love that movie) when somehow we started talking about doing a humanitarian  trip. The next thing we know we had spent HOURS on the internet looking up humanitarian groups, different places we could go to and just trying to figure it all out! We decided that summer 2014 me, Ashley and our friend Bridger are gonna spend 3 weeks in Costa Rica!! HOLLA :) seriously I have wanted to do a humanitarian trip for YEARS!!! and after mine and Ash's sleep over I actually think this is gonna happen. I cant even explain the excitement that I feel over this! All I can say is it is going to be a long year having to wait to go on this once in a life time trip!! 

Tonight my beautiful friends came over to eat dinner with me. We went to Chili's and can I just say us 4 definitely know how to pull the embarrassment card (like no joke)! It was fun catching up with these beauties. To think Mokster is engaged. Jandie is almost engaged and Whitney gets to come party it up in Logan at college with me in just a few short weeks, I cant wait! It feels so weird watching all of us grow up!