Saturday, December 29, 2012

Christmas Time

Christmas at the Packer household is always quit the excitement. Needless to say after laughs, presents, movies, FOOD, and games this Christmas was an adventure. This year the whole family was home for Christmas Eve and Christmas morning. When the 9 of us are together you may want to get as far away from us as possible, we are a tad crazy!
We enjoyed spending our quality time together playing games on our phone
Movies all day, everyday!
We are a tad spoilded I'd have to say
Snapchattin it up
Me and Ken :) She kinda loves me

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Living and Learning

Oh what a life I have been living lately. Words can't explain what life lessons that have came to me over the past couple weeks. I guess the older I get the more I learn, right? Well I would just like to share some life lessons I have learned over the past couple weeks…
·         Take one day at a time. Don’t speed up the time and privilege you have as a child
·         Don’t let what other people think affect the type of person you are
·         Sometimes swallowing your pride and asking for help is just what you need
·         You are living YOUR LIFE, not anyone else’s
·         Be unique, be you
·         Being nice makes you BEAUTIFUL
·         Bad things happen to the best of people
·         Days go by. Years go by. Things will change in your life. Love the changes, don’t dwell on the past.
·         There is great purpose in our struggles in life
·         COURAGE!!! (The word that changed my life lately)
·         Honesty is always the best policy
·         Mistakes make you who you are. Learn and grow with each choice you make.
·         Always be yourself and love the person you are
·         Don’t worry about what others think or say or do
·         There is a world outside of Tremonton. Even outside of Utah. Discover it! Be in the world, but not of the world
·         People trust others as leaders, don’t let them be disappointed in your leadership
·         People come in our life for a reason. Recognize the reason. Don’t take them for granite.
·         The Lord will be your best friend if you let him. He is the ONLY person who truly knows the pleadings of your heart. He will comfort you on your darkest days
·         And my biggest life lesson I have learned….Sometime you don’t understand why you need to do certain things. But when the Lord speaks, TAKE ACTION. There is always a reason, there is always a tender mercies and blessing around the corner. Things are never easy. But when you get a prompting to do something, even if it’s something that is the last thing you want to do, you do it anyways!!