Monday, June 27, 2011

Summer Lovin

So summer is almost 1/3 over and I can’t believe it! This summer has been going by faster than I could ever imagine! I love summer and every part about it, I love the tan lines, parties, staying up all night and sleeping in, drinking lemonade in the sun and looking at the stars at night. I just thought I would tell you how my day went today…I woke up around 10 and got breakfast. Rasin Brand Crunch was the choice of the day. I then did a little working out and then got ready for the day. After a nice medium temp shower I cleaned my room and caught up on my Facebook stalking. I then ate lunch and took a nice little nap outside! After my refreshing nap my dear friend Ashlyn came over for a little while and we talked, took a walk and took random pictures! Once Ashlyn left I went home ate dinner and then edited some photos. Then me and Madison went to get Ice’s at the best Icee Shack in Garland. Pink Lemon Sour and Mango is my favorite so of course it was my pick of the day and man it was delicious. Then after taking my little journey to get an Icee, I am currently blogging and watching the movie Valentine’s Day with Madison. Can I just say I love summer and every second of it! I just hope it would slow down just a little so I cant take it in every moment of it!

Thursday, June 16, 2011

500 Days of Summer

So it finally happened today. After months of gathering dust in the DVD draw, I finally picked it. Today I watched 500 Days of Summer hoping that it would ease my boredom just a little. We have had this movie for months now but I have just never got around to watching it. I knew absolutely nothing about this movie and had no idea what to expect (considering I don’t read so I didn’t even read the back of the case.) In my mind I was going to watch some story of how two peoples summer and their crazy adventures together. Well come to find out the girls name is actually summer and it wasn’t just a season! Ya that was a pretty big shocker to me! Haha I guess I should have figured that 500 days is almost a year and a half and not a simple 3 month season, but oh well give me a break I’m not in school! Can I just say I fell in love with this movie! I was tempted to just turn it off cause I’m not one for the whole love story movies but luckily it was the perfect movie for me! If you haven’t seen it I highly recommend you put this at the top of movies you need to see! Not only is it Funny and entertaining it’s not your average love story. I think that’s what I liked most about it. It sorta made you take a step back and realize that in the right place, at the right time, and with the right person everything in life will just fall into place. You may have to go out and meet people but by meeting people and getting to know them you will then realize what type of person you really want and when that person comes you will realize why it never worked out with anyone else. I’m sure I can already predict what you’re thinking, I thought you hated love stories….Well I’m not the biggest fan of them but I love movies that make you take a step back and just think; think about life, the people in your life, where you’re going and what you need to do to accomplish the goals you have set your mind too. So if you’re just having one of those days where you have nothing better to do in life but watch a movie, Pick this one!

Sunday, June 12, 2011


This past week has been one of the best weeks I have had in a while. Not only did I get to go with my best friend Sidney and my second family to St. George I also got to attend Youth Conference at USU. St. George was seriously so much fun, it was hot and we did so many fun and crazy things to entertain ourselves. I loved having little sisters around and it brought back memories of when I was little and being the younger sibling. Youth Conference was amazing and not only did I have a stalker, I became friends with 2 ants, one I named Rupert and Wade helped name the other one Herbert the Pervert. haha We played tons of games, talked all night, danced the night away in the rain and got to know the youth in my stake better.
One thing though that made both St. George and Youth Conference amazing was having the temple in my sight the whole time. I loved looking at these beautiful building and just thinking and pondering about this church and gospel. We walked around the St. George temple grounds one day and even just being on the temple grounds you can feel a great feeling of peace and happiness. Then at youth conference right out my bedroom window I had a perfect view of the Logan temple. One night I had troubles going to bed so I just lifted up my blinds and stared at the temple. Looking at it just light up as it shined in the dark hours of Logan was so pretty to see. The past week I have done a lot of thinking about temples and what takes place in them and why I should keep the temple in my view at all times. I realized the temple is my biggest destination that I’m heading towards right now. I am on a road trip of life and the journey ends at the Temple doors standing there with my worthy husband who is going to love me and treat me and our future family with respect at all times. He will be a man who honors his priesthood, loves everyone and loves this church. I couldn’t help but think about me being with my family for eternity because of that temple. As I was sitting on the grass at the St. George temple I thought how lucky I am that my parents were married in the temple. That I am able to be with them forever, then I thought of my future children and how I want to live my life the way how I need to so my kids can have the same blessing that I got. Temples are seriously one of the best things here on earth; it’s a place of refuge, peace and assurance that this church is true. I am so excited for the Brigham City Temple to be finished. I have loved watching it slowly come together and it really is so pretty. I am thrilled that I will be able to be a part of the temple celebration. I love temples and the work that takes place within the walls. They are seriously some of the prettiest things I have ever seen and I’m so happy that this past week I have been able to keep these two temples in my sight and in my mind at all week.

My View from my bedroom window at Youth Conference

Me and the St. George Temple