Sunday, February 20, 2011

All about me!

I’m sure you are all dying to know random facts about me! So her is 10 random facts about the one, the only, Darci Packer!
1.       I am the worst procrastinator ever! As you can tell it’s taking me a month and a half to update the blog that I just started!  I get side tracked so easily and can’t stay focused on something for very long.
2.       I eat everything I can with a fork. The only food that doesn’t get the privilege of getting eaten with a fork is cereal. Ice cream, soup, bananas, pizza, the list just goes on and on of the things I eat with a fork! I mean come on, who doesn’t find the joy of stabbing your food right before they take the great journey inside your tummy!
3.       I absolutely love the color yellow! It is such a happy and bright color, who wouldn’t love it?!? I get made fun of all the time by kids at school joking around with me and saying, “I like yellow!” as they try to mimic me! But they are just jealous their favorite color isn’t the coolest color around!
4.       I am a totally germ-a-fob. I put hand sanitizer on multiple times a day and cringe whenever I am around some who coughs or sneezes.  Some people think I have a little bit of O.C.D. in me, and I think they may be right.
5.       When I was little I would make sure I had nothing planned on a Friday night’s cause that’s the night all the new episodes of my favorite TV shows would come on. Yes I was pretty addicted to the TV I must admit. But my favorite cartoons would have to of been; Whinnie the Pooh, PB&J Otter and Rolie Polie Olie.
6.       I am a Disneyland fanatic! I absolutely love Disneyland. I have almost every Disney characters autograph and absolute love being the first to stand in line to enter the park and the last ones to leave when the day is over.  It is diffident the happiest place on earth and one day you will all see me working at Disneyland being my favorite Disney Princess, Belle.
7.       So Walt Disney pretty much formed the type of person I am. I am a dreamer. I believe anything can happen if you wish hard enough. I can come up with the craziest dreams and fantasies but hey once you start dreaming you can’t stop!
8.       I have been counting down the days tell I turn 16 since the day I turned 14! Only 60 days from today :) something about the thought of turning 16 just brings a smile to my face, I can’t wait to have the freedom of hoping in a car all by myself and feeling like an adult as I can drive anywhere I want. I have to admit I am a little excited about the whole boy part but my license is something that I am going crazy not having.
9.       My #1 stress reliever is dancing. Something about moving to the beat of the music and just putting all your emotion and energy into something I have a passion for is what I love. Nothing is better than picturing the person you hate the most while you dance. Something about showing that person how good of a dancer you are and putting so much energy into every move as if you were punching them in the face is a great way to get frustration and anger out as well.
10.   And last but not least my favorite foods in the whole wide world is ice cream and Jelly Beans! If you give me one of these two I will love you forever! I could eat them every day if I wanted. And a fork full of ice cream as a midnight snack is just what I love.

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