Thursday, July 11, 2013

I am Me

Over the past couple weeks I have really stepped back and tried wondering what my life would be like if certain things in my life never happened. After a nice phone call with my friend today and watching a beautiful sunset I came to this conclusion...trials truly are blessings! Everything in my life has sculpted me into become who I am today. Nothing in my life whether it was something that brought me down or something that built me up, would I take back and have it happen a different way. I am me! I am me because of what I have experienced! Only I truly know the feelings I have felt in my heart and the trials, thoughts and feelings that have over powered me at times. But as I watched the sunset today I also realized another thing, Christ knows me to. He knows me better than I know myself. He sat there watching me through my trials saying "Darci don't give up" "you keep trying" "you will overcome this, you will be blessed". I can only imagine him getting discouraged wondering why I never turned unto him in every thought, if I did I would then doubt not and fear not. So as the sunset ended, the stars came out and Logan's city lights lite up I came to the conclusion, I am me because of Christ. I am never left comfortless for He has felt my pains! I have a father in Heaven who heard my prayers. He WILL answer them and it will be in HIS own way. Trials can either  make or break us. ALWAYS stay true to what you know is right, never settle for anything else!! And always live like you believe, be strong and of a good courage and stand firm to what you know is true. You are a child a God, the Savior loves you!!!

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